Friday, May 20, 2011


Dear People,
Please come to realize by now that one has to work for whatever it is one wants... Nothing in this world comes without a price... Determination, effort and diligence is needed no matter how hard things may get... One cannot get what one wants by either leeching off someone else or by cheating... Thank you for taking the time to read this...

Yours truly,

Monday, May 16, 2011

Disadvantage of Social Networks... The MAIN one...

Well, people nowadays are all connected through social networks such as:




And the list seems to go on and on.... Seriously... It does...
(Here's where the disadvantage comes into place...)

You find out that you're NOT the only one....
(In other words, you would probably find someone almost like you...)

Now, you feel like you're NO longer unique...
Every time you do something, there is bound to be someone who has already done that...
If you feel that way, you should NOT be... You would have to learn sooner or later there are always people who are almost similar to you but no matter what happens... You have to always remember that:
You're SPECIAL & UNiQUE in your own way!

~If you are feeling down while reading this, I hope that this made you feel a lot better...~ Rock on!